Saturday, October 13, 2007

Weird Dreams

I've had some weird dreams in my life... but last night was different and definitely kind of weird. So, rewind to a few hours ago, in the wee hours of the night... I'm sleeping away and I'm dreaming. In my dream, I'm trying to make Kelly laugh. And the way I'm trying to make Kelly laugh is by wearing a pair of her booty shorts. And I wasn't just wearing her short shorts...I was singing... a Bon Jovi song!

So, picture me in my dream, wearing shorts that are already short on Kelly and I'm singing "You give love a bad name" at the top of my lungs. I'm sure you could have done without that mental image I've just painted for you. But wait... this isn't the weird part. I would TOTALLY put on a pair of daisy dukes and sing songs from any band if I thought it would make Kelly laugh. I really would. In fact, I've done weirder to make her laugh... I'll spare you those details.

Anyway, in my dream, I'm singing loudly in Kelly's booty shorts and then something wakes me up. It was Kelly laughing (since being pregnant, she talks and does stuff in her sleep). I immediately look at her. Sure enough, she was sound asleep. So, either she was laughing at something funny in her dream... OR she was somehow in MY dream, laughing at me! What are the chances of that?

So, I've spent much of the morning wondering... does Kelly participate in my other dreams. Has she, too, played an underwear-clad Al Roker in tennis? Has she not only FOUND Waldo, but also dined with him at Chuck E' Cheese as I have? Has she.... well, you get the idea.

I'll keep you posted on this one.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This used to happen to me all the time when Kelly and I were roomies. She's definitely got some weird skill. Be careful.