Sunday, October 21, 2007

Help for Pregnant Women all around the world...

If you are pregnant or have been pregnant or...even know someone that has been pregnant (I have basically described every possible citizen of the United States)... you know how difficult it can be to get around. And you know it is especially difficult to climb steps.

Well, in our house, we spend the majority of the time on our bottom level...meaning, at night, Kelly (who is now 8 months pregnant) has to climb 3 full flights of stairs to get to the bedroom (on level #3). This means Kelly is often out of breath, tired and spent by the time she gets to the top level. And I'm certain Kelly is not the only one in this area that struggles with this unique Northern Virginia problem (where, if you don't have 3 levels and granite counter tops, people are bringing you canned goods on Thanksgiving).

So, pregnant women of the world rejoice... I have solved the problem for you with a unique partner technique to take the load off -- so to speak -- when climbing the steps. I have named this load-bearing approach, appropriately enough, "The Elevator"...

Now, to give a visual of this approach, please see the above picture... it will help explain. At any rate, here's how it works. I make a "seat" with my right arm by flexing it (my biceps are humongous... so weenie men might not be able make this work) into a fixed "L" position. Kelly then takes a seat on the "L".... I then force her up the stairs. Now, your wife will laugh uncontrollably the first few times you do this. However, after awhile... it will become second nature and she will be demanding "the elevator"...

So, there you have it. No more huffing and puffing up the stairs. Please note, Snow White was not harmed in the demonstration photographed above. I'll be here all week if you need any more pregnancy tips.

1 comment:

The Faircloth Five said...

We came up with the first elevator technique with my first pregnancy with Reagan. It has evolved over the years and is awesome. Try it. :)